Why is this course free?

Welcome to Leadership Institute’s Social Media Bootcamp!

This course for you is offered at no-cost thanks to the generous and dependable support of Leadership Institute donors. While this course doesn’t cost money, there is still a fee.

The fee is if you find value in a video (and you’ll find tons of value!), then you must share this course with a conservative friend. One share per video you find value in.

This is a movement. It’s going to take all of us if we are going to make a difference. I know you know someone who needs to learn social media, help them out!

If you have any feedback or suggestions on a video, drop a comment below or shoot me an email. I’m constantly updating this course to be better. I’ll send you an email when I upload the next video/interview.

Until then, I highly recommend starting with the first video, Building Your Online Brand in Three Steps. And I’ll see you there. 

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